The Hunting of the Redhead - Chapter 2
Preparing to be a Redheader....
To be honest, I’ve engaged in amateur redheading for the past year along with compiling a great deal of field data on the redhead. My redhead viewing and photography expeditions have ranged from organized trips to potential natural habitats to accidental encounters. These encounters are always a bit disarming, exhilarating and often frustrating. When I see a stray redhead, I’m never sure if should slowly move in and meet them eye to eye or stay back. There are times when the thrill of seeing a single redhead alone is overwhelming. I can’t help myself from straying into their territory.
At that point, I may avoid an encounter completely or go past the redhead because I am not fully equipped. At that point, I get really mad at myself because I’ve left my equipment and supplies in the van or back at home. There are other times, I can’t help myself and pounce on the unsuspecting redhead with limited success.
The nuances of the well oiled junket are many. I must develop the proper skills, continue observations, try various pursuit techniques and continue my study before I become an accomplished redheader. Fortunately, one of my most successful training tapes comes from the world renowned naturalist, David Attenborough, on the Planet Earth TV Series. I encourage potential redheaders to study this master’s technique. One program I particularly like is the “Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough” It shows how too many enthusiastic naturalists can have an effect on the animals they are studying. I must always keep this in mind.
Redheading requires the right outfits, equipment and supplies. Fortunately, I’ve been studying other great naturalist’s fashion acumen and have been trying to emulate their style. I found just the right safari hat on Amazon and will be purchasing my shirts and pants from other appropriate suppliers. As a female redheader, this is always one of the most fun elements of the preparations. Fortunately, I now have the right makeup and hair accessories to do the job right.
During these past months, I have also purchased the following cache of supplies. They include printed “Redhead and More Redhead” business cards, a post card outlining the book’s reison detre and a well oiled encounter speech.
My equipment quiver includes my Nikon D300 digital camera, a camera on my cellular phone and a small video camera. I also have a great camouflaged Olympus DS 40 digital voice recorder. All of my equipment must fit into my redhead satchel. Okay, so it’s not a satchel, it’s a big BAG. I purchased the BAG from Bags by Baby Cakes and have photos of some of my first redheads emblazoned on both sides. A great publicity tool! I’m sure I will be adding and refining my setup as I refine my redheading skills.
I believe I am ready for my first official expedition. It will be either the Tartan Day – Scottish-American Festival in Puyallup on Saturday, March 28th or the Tastes of Norway Norwegian Cultural and Heritage Day in Ballard. They are on the same day. I may go to both, we will see. It’s so hard sometimes. I’ll let you know what I decided in Chapter 3 of The Hunting of the Redhead.
© 2009 Anne Lindsay
Chapter #2 of Hunting of the Redhead Story
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